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Showing posts from February, 2025

Case Filed Against Infosys LTD IPO Fraud at SAT Mumbai

 USING INTEREST FREE PUBLIC MONEY WITHOUT SEBI COMPLIANCE LIKE SAHARA CASE...... SEBI IS PROTECT INFOSYS AGAINST INVESTOR INTEREST ..... COMPLAINANT APPROACHED COURT FOR ACTION..... Mumbai : Appeal is filed before  Securities Appellate Tribunal   Mumbai to direct SEBI to take action on Infosys IPO Fraud . Complainant has approached SEBI that Infosys has not done full compliance for IPO launched on 14 June 1993. Inspite of evidence the SEBI denied action on email and Scores complaints . After a failure to protect the interest of investor the complainant Sapan Shrivastava filed appeal before SAT Mumbai being aggrieved party  under section 15 T of SEBI act. The BSE , NSE and SEBI as respondent in this appeal . SEBI denied to take action against infosys fraud under 15 HA and made loss to nation of 3 times of penalty of infosys profit.  Complaint under IPC is also pending before JMFC Kalyan court to register FIR in this IPO fraud . S. No. Appeal Type ALNo. Appeal No...

Adv. Nicky Pokar writes to Adv. Abhinav Chandrachud, expressing her shock in Abhinav Chandrachud seeking out of turn listing of Ranveer Allahabdia's case in Supreme Court

  Adv Nicky Pokar Adv Abhinav Chandrachud Adv. Nicky Pokar, in her letter to Abhinav Chandrachud expresses her anguish to the unknown compulsion of his, who been a witness to the sacredness of parental relationship his father Ex-CJI Dr. DY Chandrachud had with his mother who left for her heavenly abode battling cancer. Nothing explains the enthusiasm of Abhinav Chandrachud    in seeking out of turn listing before the Supreme Court of a debauch ‘ Ranveer Allahbadia ’ ,   who shamelessly  through a public platform was instigating the present generation to join their parents’ sexual activities, unthinkable, unless one is morally depraved and  demonstrated himself to be a psychologically degenerated dreg of the society. DOWNLOAD THE LETTER


सेबी कोर्ट मुंबई ने राधे डेवलपर और BSE के आईपीओ घोटाले में सेबी को जाँच के आदेश दिए ।  सेबी ने शिकायत पर जाँच नहीं की और आरोपियों को लाभ दिया।  सेबी जज श्री रवि म जाधव ने मामला समझा और निवेशकों के हित में जांच का आदेश दिया।  BSE ने राधे डेवलपर को बिना सेबी मंजूरी के लिस्ट किया और दोनों निवेशकों को 1995 से चूना लगा रहे है...     Mumbai: SEBI court Mumbai directed SEBI to conduct investigation in Radhe Developers Limited Shares IPO fraud. Complainant Cum Investor says that Radhe Developers (India) LTD listed at BSE on 7/12/1995 at Bombay Stock Exchange. The Bombay Stock exchange listed Radhe developers without full SEBI compliance. The Complainant said that SEBI scores failed to take action on complaint and SEBI grievance officer closed his complaint without any action. Complainant said that as per SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA (PROCEDURE FOR HOLDING INQUIRY  AND IMPOSING PENALTIES RULES, 1995) SEBI is duty bound to condu...

सिर्फ 8 स्लीपर कोच लग सकते है किसी मेल एक्सप्रेस में ....Only 8 Sleeper Coaches Allowed in Mail Express Train with 8 AC Coaches- RTI

  सिर्फ 8 स्लीपर कोच लग सकते है किसी मेल एक्सप्रेस में  जानभूझ कर स्लीपर डब्बे काम कर रही है रेलवे और वातनकुलित कोच का टिकट लेने के लिए मजबूर करती है नॉन प्रीमियम ट्रेनों में।  कितनी ही ट्रेनों में सिर्फ 5 स्लीपर कोच लगाते है  Mumbai: The RTI application was filed with Ministry of railway about to regulation to attach sleeper coaches in mail and express trains. Ministry of railway reply that only 8 sleeper coaches allowed and 8 AC Coaches with 4 general coaches in Mail Express non premium trains . The AC Coaches numbers increases from 4 to 8 and sleeper numbers reduced from 12 to 8. In many trains only 5 sleepers are attached with 10-12 AC coaches . This is the new policy to hit poor and average peoples and forcing them to buy AC tickets . Final Status of   SECRL/R/E/25/00022 Applicant Name Sapan Shrivastava Date of receipt 10/01/2025 Request Filed With South East Central Railway-HQ Text of Application In Express trains there are general , Sleeper , AC Coaches ....