USING INTEREST FREE PUBLIC MONEY WITHOUT SEBI COMPLIANCE LIKE SAHARA CASE...... SEBI IS PROTECT INFOSYS AGAINST INVESTOR INTEREST ..... COMPLAINANT APPROACHED COURT FOR ACTION..... Mumbai : Appeal is filed before Securities Appellate Tribunal Mumbai to direct SEBI to take action on Infosys IPO Fraud . Complainant has approached SEBI that Infosys has not done full compliance for IPO launched on 14 June 1993. Inspite of evidence the SEBI denied action on email and Scores complaints . After a failure to protect the interest of investor the complainant Sapan Shrivastava filed appeal before SAT Mumbai being aggrieved party under section 15 T of SEBI act. The BSE , NSE and SEBI as respondent in this appeal . SEBI denied to take action against infosys fraud under 15 HA and made loss to nation of 3 times of penalty of infosys profit. Complaint under IPC is also pending before JMFC Kalyan court to register FIR in this IPO fraud . S. No. Appeal Type ALNo. Appeal No...