सीजेएम द्वारा सुप्रीम कोर्ट के आदेश की अवहेलना और राज्य को करोड़ों का नुकसान पहुंचा Rajnandgon (CG) : Corruption complaint against Ex Rajnandgaon CGM is filed at ACB Raipur to register FIR against Judge Under section 7 and 13 of Prevention of corruption act 1988. In a CRPC 156 case she rejected to direct police to register FIR against the colonizer developer who used thefted minor minerals in building construction. As per SC order in illegal mining and transportation case (Delhi NCT Vs Sanjay Kumar 2014) illegal mining is offence under IPC 379,411. She suppress this ground in order to give advantage to accused . She only referred mining act and said that mining officer will look into this matter. In recall also she denied to include SC judgement in the order. As per complainant she taken advantage from mining mafia and passed order against supreme court settled law. She passed all the orders in filing number so that name of accused will not be available in cour...