Contempt Case Against SEBI Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch Rejected By SEBI Court Mumbai
Mumbai : SEBI Court Mumbai rejected the contempt case filed against SEBI chairman Madhabi Puri Buch as per para 3 Of SC lalita kumari order . As per Para 3 the Magistrate has to take action against delinquent police officers who fail to take action in cognizable offence.
During the hearing SEBI Judge Shri AA Kulkarni asked petitioner to withdraw the petition or cost will be imposed. The Petitioner said that approaching court is not a crime and cost cannot be imposed if judge is not satisfied with the legal submission of a party . Petitioner also said to the court that as per SC if cost will be imposed to litigants then they will approach goons for justice.
During the hearing judge said that the SEBI provisions are civil in nature and SEBI officers are not police officers. Court refuse to give one day time to counter the objections of SEBI court. Petitioner submitted that 71 MM Court Bandra says that for FIR under 15HA SEBI act 1992 you have to approach SEBI court. Petitioner also give submission that SEBI has power to arrest and seize the property which is equivalent to police . SEBI has passed many circulars with Jharkhand and uttarakhand Police to take action on Dabba trading .
SEBI court did not gave next date for more legal submissions and disposed case . In between hearing he said you made complaint of filing staff in this e filed matter. Petitioner said that filing staff was not aware of e filing guidelines and petitioner only escalated the matter to registrar to guide him as per rules. Then Judge said that you will also do my complaint then I have to give reply on your complaint. Petitioner said that Why I should do your Complaint? I will only exhaust remedy before the law.
It has to be noted that that same court is taking SEBI complaint under CRPC 200 and calling respondents as accused and they are taking bail in their matter. The word Cognizance is used in criminal case so How the offence is civil in nature? SEBI is duty bound to take action on complaint and SEBI officers cannot give premium to any accuse.
Petitioner will file recall of order for the miss carriage of justice .
City Sessions Court, Mumbai
: SEBI MA : 104849/2024: 19-03-2024 : MHCC02-004683-2024
Case Status
Petitioner and Advocate
1) Sapan Shrivastava
Respondent and Advocate
1) Madhabi Puri Buch and Other 1 2) State Through Cp Mumbai
This application is filed by applicant under Section 15 of
Contempt of Court Act, 1971 and prayed for punishment of respondent
no. 1.
2. Heard applicant in person. Perused application and other
documents on record. In brief, it is contention of applicant that
CNR No. MHCC02 - 004683-2024applicant is media reporter and fighting against corruption in various sectors. Respondent No.1 is Officer of SEBI. It is further contention that
Hon’ble Supreme Court passed judgment in Lalita Kumari Vs.
Government of U.P. & Ors on 12.11.2013. It is further contention that,
inspite of complaints about irregularities in IPO of Radhe Developers
(India) Ltd. respondent No.1 failed to initiate any inquiry and
investigation. It is further alleged that, respondent no. 1 willfully
disobeyed directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court in the above mentioned
said judgment. It is further contention that respondent No.1 failed to
conduct inquiry and investigation as per Section 15HA of SEBI Act,
1992. SEBI has only authority to investigate case under Section 15HA of
SEBI Act. Further it is contention that respondent No.1 willfully
disobeyed of direction of Hon’ble Supreme Court and thereby
committed contempt and accordingly prayed for taking action against
respondent No.1.
3. In brief, it is contention of applicant that respondent No.1
failed to take cognizance of his complaint for the purpose of conduct
inquiry and investigation in respect of case of Radhe Developers (India)
Ltd. about the IPO by the company. Respondent No.1 failed to take
cognizance of complaint of applicant and committed contempt of Court
by disobeyed direction given in Lalita Kumari Vs. Govt. of UP & Ors.
Judgment. As per the scheme of Securities and Exchange Board of India
Act 1992, (SEBI Act) Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is
Regulatory Authority of securities market in India. As per Section 26 of
SEBI Act This Court can take cognizance of the complaint only on the
basis of complaint lodged by the SEBI. As per Section 11 of SEBI Act
SEBI, SEBI may initiate to inquiry in the matter whether they have
reasonable grounds to believe about in violation of the SEBI Act and
regulations committed by any entities. Nature of inquire and
investigation under the SEBI act by the SEBI and it’s officers is of civil
nature. Powers under SEBI act given to board for inquiry or
investigation are as per the powers of civil court. In the case of Lalita
Kumari Vs. Govt. of UP & Ors the Hon’ble Supreme Court it is held that,
it is duty of every police officer to register crime when they receive
information about any cognizable offence. As per the scheme of SEBI
Act, SEBI board and its officers do not come under the definition of
police officer for the purpose of inquiry and investigation in view of
provision of SEBI Act. There is no provision to register crime on
receiving any complaint about violation of any provision of SEBI Act
and regulations there under. Therefore, the allegation of applicant on
failure of taking cognizance can not be termed as violation of any
directions of Hon’ble Supreme Court in case of Lalita Kumari Vs. Govt.
of UP & Ors. Hence, I am of the opinion that application filed by the
applicant do not make out case of any contempt of court. Therefore
application filed by the applicant for taking action against respondent
No.1 for contempt of Court is not tenable. Hence, I pass following order.
SEBI Misc. application No. 407 of 2024 is rejected and disposed off
(A. A. Kulkarni)
SEBI Special Judge,
Date : 22.03.2024 City Civil & Sessions Court,
Gr. Bombay (C.R.No.22)
Dictated on : 22.03.2024
Transcribed on : 22.03.2024
HHJ signed on : 22.03.2024
Case Details
Case Type
Filing Number
Filing Date
Registration Number
Registration Date
CNR Number
Misc Cases - Miscellaneous Cases
Case Status
First Hearing Date
Decision Date
Case Status
Nature of Disposal
Court Number and Judge
Case Disposed
Uncontested - Complaint Returned to the Complainant
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*सूरत, गुजरात से मुम्बई के राजमार्ग पर सूरत से ७८ किलोमीटर वलसाड से 16 km ( सुरतकी तरफ) पर वाघलधारा गाँव है । राइट हेंड साइड पर आपको "श्री प्रभव हेम कामधेनु गीरीविहार ट्रस्ट, पालीताणा" संचालित "श्री रसिकलाल माणिकचंद धारीवाल कैंसर हॉस्पिटल" की कमान दिखाई देगी । हजारो चोरस मिटर मै फैला फल, फूल, खेत से हराभरा ये संकुल कोई आश्रम से कम नही। यहाँ अति सुंदर जैन मंदिर एवं विशाल भोजन शाला भी है । ऒंर यहां की गौंशाला में करीब 400 देशी गाय है । यहां कैंसर के मरीज़ (दर्दी) एवं एक साथी को 10 दिन उपचार एवं ट्रेनिंग के लिए रखा जाता है । 80 बेड उपलब्ध है। नास्ता, लंच और डिनर के समय दर्दी से मिल सकते है।* *सुबह ९ बजे आपको सिर्फ ५० रुपये मे केस निकलवाना है । अपने साथ मरीज़ (दर्दी) की केस फाइल एवं अगर ऑपरेशन, केमो करवाई हो तो वो साथ ले जानी है । सुबह १०.३० से १२.३० और दोपहर ३.३० से ५.३० दरमियान डॉक्टर द्वारा दर्दी की जांच के बाद १० दिन के लिए एडमिट किया जाता है । केवल दर्दी एवं एक साथी को ही प्रवेश की अनुमति है। ऐसी स्थिति में दर्दी को बिलकुल मुफ्त एवं साथी को ११ दिन क...
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