My Life in these 14 Years as a Development Officer has been a full Circle... Life is full of Glorious Uncertainties… The Unforgettable Probationary Days... The Enjoyable Comfort Zone Of a Confirmed Development Officer. The feeling of being United by Joining NFIFWI. The Transformation from an Ordinary Comrade to a Maverick RTI Expert. The Crossing Of Prescribed Cost Ratio. The Facing of two Disciplinary Enquiries. The Termination Of Agents from 50 Agents to 12 Agents remaining. The Perseverant struggles form running as an Independent Candidate for the Post Of Joint Secretary. The Unbelievable Election and getting elected as Joint Secretary NFIFWI Nagpur Division. The Unconstitutional Expulsion from a Comrade Leader to a Non Member. The Great Boycott to a Non Member. The Harassment by Comrade Leaders. The Caveats Of High Court by then General Secretary to my home and office. The Already Pending Disciplinary Enquiries. The feeling of neglected, ignored and humiliated. The Dist...