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Download Chhattisgarh Mineral (Mining, Transportation and Storage ) Rules, 2009 Penalty illegal mining


Department under Mineral Administration

Mineral Administration

Mineral Administration is one of the important sections of Directorate. It is regulated through Mining Offices located at each District Collectorate under the direct control of District Collectors. Disposal of applications for grant and renewal of various mineral concessions for non schedule Minerals, assessment and collection of rent and royalty, implementation of provisions of various acts and rules related to mines and minerals, prevention and control over Illegal extraction and transportation of mineral commodity etc. are the main job carried out under mineral administration.

Acts and Rules provisioned by Department under Mineral Administration

Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (MMDR 1957)

Mineral Concession Rules, 1960 (MCR 1960)

Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988 (MCDR 1988)

Marble Development and Conservation Rules, 2002

Granite Conservation and Development Rules, 1999

Chhattisgarh Minor Mineral Rules, 1996

Chhattisgarh Mineral (Mining, Transportation and Storage ) Rules, 2009

Oil and Natural Gas Rules, 1959.

1. Reconnaissance Permit (RP): "Reconnaissance Permit" means a permit granted for the purpose of undertaking reconnaissance operations; which means any operation undertaken for preliminary prospecting of a mineral through regional, aerial, geophysical or geochemical surveys and geological mapping, but does not include pitting, trenching, drilling (except drilling of boreholes on a grid specified from time to time by the Central Government) or sub-surface excavation;

An application for reconnaissance permit shall be made to the State Government in Form ‘A’ appended with Mineral Concession Rules 1960 (MCR 1960)in 4 copies, through Director, Geology & Mining, Raipur. Every such application shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee calculated at the rate of five rupees per square kilometer or part there of.

2. Prospecting License (PL): "Prospecting License" means a license granted for the purpose of undertaking prospecting operations; which means any operations undertaken for the purpose of exploring, locating or proving mineral deposits;

An application for prospecting license and its renewal shall be made to the State Government in Form B and Form E respectively, appended with the Mineral Concession Rules 1960 (MCR 1960), through Director, Geology & Mining, Raipur in case of minerals enlisted in schedule I of MMDR 1957. For the rest of the Minerals, applications shall be made through the Collectors of respective Districts. Every such application shall be accompanied by Rupees Two hundred and fifty for the first square kilometer or part thereof and rupees fifty for each additional square kilometer.

3. Mining Lease (ML): "Mining Lease" means a lease granted for the purpose of undertaking mining operations, and includes a sub-lease granted for such purpose; "Mining Operations" means any operations undertaken for the purpose of wining any mineral;

An application for the grant of a mining lease shall be made to the State Government in Form I, appended with Mineral Concession Rules 1960 (MCR 1960), through Director, Geology & Mining, Raipur in case of minerals enlisted in schedule I of MMDR 1957. For the rest of the minerals, applications shall be made through the Collectors of respective Districts. Every application for the grant or renewal of a mining lease shall be accompanied by a non-refundable fee of two thousand and five hundred rupees.

The Procedure, terms and conditions for grant of reconnaissance permit prospecting license and mining leases are adopted as mentioned in Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation ) Act 1957 " (MMDR 1957) Minerals Concession Rules, 1960 (MCR 1960) and Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988. These Act/rules can be viewed in website of Govt. of India. Ministry of Mines, ie

4. Quarry Lease (QL) and Quarry Permit (QP): Quarry Lease means a mining lease for minor minerals, which means building stones, gravel ordinary clay, ordinary sand other than sand used for prescribed purposes and any other Mineral which the Central Govt. may, by notification in the official gazette, declare to be a Minor Mineral. These minerals are specified in schedule I and II, appended with Chhattisgarh Minor Mineral Rules 1996. Quarry permit means permission granted under Minor Mineral Rules to extract and remove any minor mineral for any specified period and purpose.

An application for the grant or renewal of a quarry lease shall be made to the collector of respective district in Form I appended with C.G. Minor Mineral Rules, 1996 in triplicate for the Minerals specified in Schedule I and II of said Rules.

5. Mining and trading of minor Mineral Sand: From 1st April 2006 onward, the right for extraction and trading of Sand has been given to Gram Panchayat/Janpad Panchayat/Muncipal Corporations. The royalty rate fixed for Sand is Rupees 20/- Cubic meter. The amount of royalty over Sand is directly received by Local Panchayat/Muncipal Corporation.

6. From 10th June 2008 onwards, 25% of revenue received from minor Minerals is re-allocated to Panchayat and Rural Development Department and remaining 75% is re-distributed to respective Panchayat and Municipal Corporation.

7. Nothing in the Minor Mineral Rules, 1996 is applied to the Extraction of clay or Sand, by hereditary kumhar, a member of Scheduled Caste or a member of a Schedule Tribe or a Co-operative Society of such kumhars or members of scheduled Castes or members of Scheduled Tribe for preparing tiles, pots or bricks by traditional means, but not by process of manufacture in kilns or by any mechanical means from the area, which, Gram Panchayat have earmarked within their respective Panchayat area for extraction for extraction of clay and sand:

Provided that no extraction shall be made from any public place or 50 meter from such public place.

8. The rates of royalty of minor Minerals with effect from 1-11-2009 are as follows :

S.No. Mineral Rates

1. Dimensional Stone-Granite, dolerite, and other igneous and metamorphic rocks which are used for cutting and polishing purpose for making blocks, slabs, tiles of specific dimension:- (a) Black colour (b) Other colour 1000/- per cu. mt. 500/- per cu. mt.

2. Marble which in used for cutting and polishing purpose for making blocks. slabs, tiles of specific dimension . 300/- Per cu. mt.

3. Marble stone for other purpose. 200/- per cu. mt.

4. Flagstone Natural sedimentary rock which is used for flooring 103/- per cu. mt.

5. Ordinary Sand , Bajri 20/- per cu. mt

6. Murrum 20/- per cu. mt.

7. Stone :- (a) Boulder (b) Gitti, Roadmetal (c) Dressed stone, Khanda, Dhoka 103/- per cu. mt.

8. Soil-For Making bricks and tiles 20/- per cu. mt.

9. Other minor minerals 40/- per cu. mt.

09. Prevention over illegal extraction and transportation of mineral commodity: For the purpose of prevention over illegal extraction and transportation of minerals, provisions are laid down under section 21 of Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act 1957, according to which "Whoever contravenes the provisions of sub-sections (1) of (1A) of section 4 of MMDR 1957, Shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine which may be extend to twenty five thousand rupees of with both" In the same manner, under Rule 53 of Chhattisgarh Minor Mineral Rules, 1996 also there is provision of penalty for illegal extraction and transportation of Minor Mineral.

10. Chhattisgarh Mineral (Mining, Transportation and storage) Rules 2009: In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 23C of the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act, 1957 (No. 67 of 1957), the Chhattisgarh Government have framed Chhattisgarh Mineral (Mining, Transportation and storage) Rules 2009 which have been made effective from 14 Aug. 2009. According to these Rules, no person shall transport carry or cause to be transported any Mineral/ore or/ and its beneficiated or from one place to another place without having a valid Transit Pass issued under these Rules.

Provided that no such Transit Pass shall be required in case of any Mineral/Minerals or its beneficiated products being transported directly from the lease area by means of rail of aerial ropeway or conveyor belt which is accompanied by an bill, invoice issued by the lessee mentioning the date and time, quality of Mineral, destination and name of the party to whom it is being supplied/dispatched or any other lawful documents, which prove the legality of the Mineral transported.

No person shall transport any Mineral/(s) outside the lease area or process any Mineral/(s) other than final destination or storage for any other purposes beneficiate/establish a crushing plant without holding a valid "storage permit" granted under these Rules.

Without lawful transportation pass (Transit Pass) no one shall transport any mineral/ Ore or/ and its/ Processed Product from Mines/ Extraction / Storage/ Benefaction place to another place. Further no one shall establish processing plant or establish storage / Beneficiation/ Crusher plant out of leased out area, without having valid storage permit provided under above mentioned rules. 

Download Chhattisgarh Mineral (Mining, Transportation and Storage ) Rules, 2009


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